Hupin tulokset optigeniltä saapuivat... Hupi on siis CEA/CH Normal!!!!

Vielä pitäisi jaksaa odotella niitä Aussien tuloksia... toivottavasti ilmaantuvat pikapuolin...  Toivotaan että tulokset on mieluisia, niin voidaan Hupin kanssa ruveta paneutumaan aktiivisesti (mahdollisiin) tuleviin "vauvasuunnitelmiin" ;)

Registered Name: Maccabee Sennet of Joy
Registration #: FIN46886/02
Call Name: Hupi

Breed: Border Collie
Date of Birth: November 11, 2002
Gender: Female

Optigen Accession #: 07-10739

Test Performed: CEA/CH test

Sample Type: Blood

Test Results: Genotype of your dog is Normal.

Risk for developing Collie Eye Anomaly/Choroidal Hypoplasia (CEA/CH): This dog will never develop CEA/CH.

Significance for breeding: This dog can be bred to any mate and will produce no pups affected with CEA/CH.

1062316.jpg  As you already know... Hupi is CEA/CH Normal...  Hopefully the results from Australia come soon too, and are what we hope them to be...that we can really start thinkin about (possible) future puppy-plans...  ;)